woensdag 13 april 2011

The Australian economic situation.

What do we really know about the Australian economic situation, Australia gets a lot of attention in the media. But usually it’s about their nature or the cultural side of Australia. But the country can’t buy food from doing cultural activities, you need money for that, you need finance!

Because Australia is only civilized for a short period of time there still is are a lot of resources left there. A lot of those resources still have to be found and mined, that costs money and Australia can’t just make money out of nothing. They need people to invest in Australia because if companies from other countries just mine it Australia can’t make a good profit out of it.
Another important part of the economics of Australia is the stock exchange. Although definitely not the biggest, the ASX really does contribute to the world economics. And as you can see in the graph the stocks are going rather well, a growth of 20% percent is predicted for the next 3 years so investing now is a good choice.

So as you can imagine Australia has a growing and promising economy. All it needs is some good investors and Australia can really grow big!

13:33, 4 November 2001. 13 April 2011

 "indices" AFR
 April 2011. 13 April 2011
Note:this really isn't an article but the indices of the asx is shown here.

By Denny Brom.

Hilo48. "Australia" Wikipedia

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